Mel thinks that driving on the road is like daytona arcade. kept snapping and snapping pictures of me driving.
if you still wan to get home in one piece, you got to let me concentrate.am still a P plate though no more L plate! lolx
its dangerous! another concern was all the pictures taken of me were terrible. haha am bad at multi-tasking. i can't look good and drive safely at the same time.
Driving suppose to help get me to the place the quickest possible but why o why the time taken for me to go to a place seems longer than travelling by public transport. lolx drove the lexus to pick mel up and to pp. I wana open a UOB TX account and apply for i-banking and my capitacard. however the policewoman is already guarding the door to make sure no one can enter. guess i have to make a trip to pp again before 4pm to open my account. lolx next stop for the day was ikea! met shan there.
driving in singapore seems like driving in USA. get wat it means?

End of the day i bought big plastic bin to store my bags, side table which cost $25 only!!! and a white study table which cost $50!!!! floral rose prints cushion for my red couch $19.90 and a desk protector recommended by mel to prevent my white table from getting unwanted scratches. i loveee ikea. 3/4 of my furniture in my room comes from there. lolx. cheap and way within my budget. hehe.
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